Day 22

The day has been very quiet as Aditi left the lab early at 12:30 and no one has been in the lab besides me today. I've primarily been working on my structure, but also did some work defining eye patterns with Aditi before she left. At 10:00 i left to go to the symposium, i could not find the specific poster i was looking for no matter where i looked but i did look at many others. The VR integration of a Mac was particularly interesting and held marketable concepts. I was only able to talk to one of the presenters as the others did not speak English very well, although i was able to understand some of the words they said from the very little Chinese i know. They began whispering to each other when i approached and i could hear the word "talk" which explains why soon after the presenter approached me. The rest of the day will be dedicated to improving my structure and possibly collecting some data from Kamran to support a comparison for my final presentation, but i will leave that a surprise for now.


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