Day 23

Lo and behold another windows update that will completely destroy my ability to blog as the update took 3 hours and at that point my CPU was hot enough to cook an egg and it was already an hour past my bedtime. As i recall, the events of yesterday were mainly based around spending until noon analyzing the last remnants of eye tracking data, detecting any common tends or patterns of motion, which we will then show at the weekly meeting on Thursday with evidence to back up our claims. After lunch i "borrowed" a lamp, curtain, and PCP piping to attempt to recreate the effect of the virtual experiment as i created a crude cover to block my participants line of site temporarily as i tossed a ball. If the data is sufficient i will attempt to compare the eye movements of both virtual and real tracking of a ball, and present my findings in my final presentation, as well as show the inefficiencies of the real experiment, enforcing my claim that physics based experiments performed using VR are easier to control, and collect data. After that i spent the rest of the day watching two videos about reinforcement learning and Tensorflow backend, i'm beginning to better understand the possibilities of reinforcement learning in code, and how i can use it to create some incredibly advanced AI for a video game per say, i do have some ideas how exactly to implement it but i will keep that matter private as it could make me a large quantity of money and prestige if done correctly in my to-be career.


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