Outline DRAFT

Modelling Human Hand-Eye Coordination Using Recurrent Neural Networks
  • Introduction
    • What the presentation is going to discuss/ introduce the project
·         Rationale
o    The goal of this project is to …
·         Background
A.      Recurrent neural network (RNN)
§  A RNN is a class of artificial neural network where connections between units form a directed cycle, allowing dynamic temporal behaviour.
§  Dynamic temporal behaviour
§  The trajectory of states, in a state space, followed by a system during a certain time interval[TM1] .
B.      Machine/reinforcement/deep learning
C.      Eye movements and uses for navigation and coordination
D.      Virtual Reality simulation
§  explain VR first (present the uses of VR in the experiment e.g. controlled variables and easy data collection)
·         Method
o    Collect hand, head, and gaze data from various subjects age ?-? (<=too specific?) using VR (go into more detail[TM2] )
·         Results
·         Discussion
o    Discuss results and relate them to scope (papers I’ve been reading and how this can help future robotics e.g. navigation, task management, grasp, etc.)
·         Conclusion and future works[TM3] 
o    Make solid conclusions of research and what I’ve personally learned at RIT
·         My contributions
o    Assisted in the creation of an in-engine media system in which the simulation can be played, paused, move forward by a frame, and move backwards by a frame[TM4] .
o    Assisted in the implementation of multiple viewpoints within the simulation including, fixed position, ball tracking, and free camera[TM5] .

 [TM1]How can I explain this in laymen terms?

 [TM2]Explain what has been done to implement machine/etc. learning

 [TM3]Use the papers I’ve been analyzing to create a list of scopes this research could benefit in robotics development

 [TM4]Include video?

 [TM5]Should I include pictures/GIF’s of each for the presentation?


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