Day 7

Today was the last day before the weekend. Not much was accomplished in scale of quantity but what little was done did have great quality to it. The entirety of the day was used on programming data sets and vector sets into Vizard. After devising a working method after several hours, it felt amazing to finally have a method that not only worked, but could be applied to other projects currently having the same problem. For the most part it was Aditi who did the research and method creation for the codes setup i was mainly the one typing and came up with other methods, most unsuccessful but some were in fact exactly what we were missing. After my long drive home i had some time to think back on the week and realised that i have not only done more work than i have since Australia, but that I've learned more about what could deeply effect my future if not the rest of my life. I do owe an immense amount to my mentors Kamran and Rakshit, along with everyone else who enters the lab.


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