Day 5

Today was a very productive day. Aditi and i worked on the Vizard code for half the day and implemented various functions for the animation all bound to specific keyDown commands. this includes the ability to; pause, play, go forward by a frame, go backwards by a frame, raise and lower by 1 metre, and finally change from a fixed position camera view to a free-cam mode. if not for Aditi's knowledge of code vocabulary it would have taken me forever to achieve the same results. the second half of the day consisted of analysing a small amount of eye-tracking footage i captured last week. After hours of analysis, many concepts and methods for both eye travel, reflexes, and a fundamental concept on how the human body actually uses data to move and turn were understood, prompting me to think more in-depth on possible research tasks for the future. I also found out that other interns can already see the blogs, i do hope my content isn't too boring and formal.


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