Day 12

Today was the slowest day of them all. After arriving i attempted to edit my abstract to clean it up a bit, figuring out i was missing some crucial information to explain to a lay audience. Later i spent the majority of the day researching methods on how to implement the new code into the simulation to no avail. later in the day Aditi and i had a teleconference with Rakshit analysing data, he then told us to collect data on a non-biased individual, which was funny as 3 of our fellow interns arrived minutes before the instruction. Unfortunately only 1 session could be recorded as the left eye of the gaze tracker became dysfunctional for reasons unknown. The day was ended with a relaxing hour of testing VR games with most fellow interns, which helped me unwind the weeks fatigue. I will travel back to RIT on the weekend to hopefully finish all High School summer assignments and possibly mess around with more VR and DOOM modding if i can find the time.


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